Paraglider & Hang Glider Variometer By TÜRKAY BİLİYORThis software is designed for devices with barometric sensor and gps sensor. But it will also run on devices with just a GPS sensor. You can use your device as real variometer. Barometric sensor will give you more accuracy and make software a real variometer for your para-glider.Variometer Pro allows you to record igc and kml file directly to the sdcard automatically..Also able to send live data to,for this you could have internet access and fill your livetrack24 account info on settings page.When gps accuary < 30m and has gps altitude info, igc record will be started and count on top-right side as Trck:...Flight log file path is \sdcardariolog The red side of needle on compass is showing wind direction.You can change vario, filter settings and pilot profile from settings button.Default and optimum filter dumper level is 6 or 8.Alt+ and Alt- is altitude offsetDevices which supports barometric sensor : 15 supports api 25